Auto Dealer Service Departments Require SPCC Plans (Under $500.00)
Unknown to most auto shops, if you store over 1,320 total gallons of oil products, you are required to develop and maintain an EPA Compliant Spill Prevention, Control, and Countermeasure (SPCC) Plan. The majority of auto service departments do not have total oil storage capacities over 10,000 gallons. The SPCC regulation, 40-CFR-112, allows those facilities to prepare a Tier I or Tier II plan. This category of plan does not require Professional Engineer Certification. The management can self-certify this category of SPCC Plan.
Tier I & Tier II SPCC Plans
The substance requirements of a Tier I or II plan are almost as large as one that is fully PE Certified. They can be a daunting and time-consuming task to complete properly. As a specialized service, Spillco has has developed plans for many auto dealers at a cost less than $500.00 with minimal time providing information by management personnel.
SPCC Plan Consultants
Banks’ Floor Plan Financing departments and Insurance Carriers have become aware of our services. They have recommended Spillco to many dealerships to bring them into compliance with these EPA Regulations for a very nominal fee. We have written Tier I and Tier II plans for auto dealerships and other industries across the United States. Contact us for a simple, economical solution to bring your facility into full compliance.