Spillco are SPCC Plan Experts in all Industries
In 2011, Spillco owner Maurice Hooker became familiar with the environmental compliance regulation requirement known as Spill Prevention, Control and Countermeasure (SPCC). This regulation requires that any facility that stores over 1,320 gallons of oil products in above ground storage tanks develop and maintain a SPCC plan also referred to as a Spill Plan. The purpose of this plan is to take preventive measures and be prepared to contain any oil spill to preclude it contaminating navigable waters. The term “navigable waters” has been determined to include any river, creek, stream, ditch, or storm drain that has the potential to contaminate a navigable waterway.
When exploring the requirements and applications of the SPCC plans, Maurice discovered that several companies were providing these services at very extensive costs. Having been active in oil exploration, production and transmission for several years, his knowledge of the various oil storage tanks and equipment was easily applied to the onsite evaluation necessary to prepare a qualified and cost-effective SPCC plan.
After establishing a consulting alliance with knowledgeable experienced Professional Engineers, a detailed study was made and resulted in the preparation of templates that provided compliance with all applications of the SPCC regulations. Since this regulation reaches much further than the oil production facilities, SPCC plans that are applicable to all type facilities that store petroleum products to facilitate total compliance have been developed.
The result was the formation of Spillco.
Spillco has provided over 800 SPCC plans for over 150 companies.
These include oil production companies such as Devon Energy Corporation, government facilities such as the complete U.S. Coast Guard Mobile Sector, many new car dealership service departments and every other type facility that stores oil products. A complete list of clients is included on this site.
Providing the lowest possible costs while maintaining the highest quality and compliance for the services provided has resulted in the continued growth of Spillco. The EPA, state and local agencies have performed inspections on several clients that have utilized Spillco SPCC plans with resulting compliance determination. When questions arise concerning any new or questionable regulation, the EPA Inspectors themselves are consulted for proper interpretation.