California SPCC Plans Are More Economical From Spillco
Spillco Engineers Create EPA and California State Compliant SPCC Plans
The State of California is recognized as having the most stringent environmental related regulations in the United States. How can an out-of-state company provide EPA, CUPA and as well as local government’s required compliant SPCC Plans for a considerably less fee than in-state providers?
Spillco has provided many SPCC plans for various industries:
- transportation
- industrial
- mining
- commercial standby generators
- auto service departments
- airports
- quarries
- fuel distributors
- race tracks
- and other facilities that store oil products in quantities over 1,320 gallons.
Spillco SPCC plans have been audited numerous times by applicable EPA and state compliance inspectors.
Facilities, such as automobile service departments, that store over 1,320 gallons but less than 10,000 gallons, may be eligible for a Tier I or Tier II self-certified SPCC plan. Constructing your own EPA, CUPA and local inspector’s compliant plan is a doting task. Researching the numerous regulations for applicable rules can involve many hours by company staff. The basic content of Tier I and Tier II plans include most requirements of fully PE certified plans. Spillco makes this process effortless for the operator. Furnish details of oil product storage vessels and operational procedures and Spillco will deliver a fully compliant self-certified plan for less than $ 500.00 without the expense and time of a site visit. There have been numerous and substantial fines levied by the EPA against this class of firms for the lack of adapting and maintaining a compliant SPCC plan.
An EPA compliant SPCC (Spill Prevention, Control and Countermeasure) Plan is required by the EPA, CUPA and local Fire Department Inspectors. Plans for facilities that store over 10,000 gallons of oil products require a site evaluation visit and certification by a California licensed Professional Engineer. Our California Licensed Professional Engineer has certified thousands of SPCC plans throughout the United States.
Spillco’s exclusive business is providing EPA, State and local compliant SPCC plans. In most instances, other SPCC providers must research all the various regulations to determine specifically which are applicable to a specific business. This usually involves considerable hourly costs by professional engineers. We have researched current and past applicable regulations and constructed industry specific plans for various classes of application.
Contact Spillco for an easy and cost effective solution to bringing your facility into full compliance.